Brian Ouko Robert, (born 12 June 1990) popularly known by his stage name Khaligraph Jones and often referred to as “Papa Jones” is a Kenyan rapper known for his hit singles “Mazishi” and “Yego”. He released his debut full-length studio album Testimony 1990 in June 2018.
Today Khaligraph Jones has blessed us with his new song tagged “Get High (Do For Love)”
In this song “khaligraph jones” has used the beat of the Old Song called “Do for Love” by the Late “Tupac Shakur” which once did well
In it khaligraph Jones talks and encourages you not to let yourself be distracted by people in your life even if anything happens to you should stand up and do what you think is right.
You can listen the song below :
New Audio | Khaligraph Jones – Get High (Do For Love) | Mp3 Download
#Khaligraph #Jones #Get #High #Do #For #Love