Hassan Ally, affectionately known as Mzee Wa Ngenga, pays a heartfelt tribute to the cherished role of mothers in his latest audio release, “Mama Ni Mama.”
In this touching and melodious track, Mzee Wa Ngenga’s warm vocals are a heartfelt expression of gratitude and love for mothers everywhere.
“Mama Ni Mama” is a soul-stirring and emotionally resonant song that reminds us of the selfless love and support that mothers provide.
With its evocative lyrics and moving melody, this audio track serves as a beautiful homage to the nurturing and guiding presence of mothers in our lives.
Mzee Wa Ngenga’s “Mama Ni Mama” is a touching musical tribute that will undoubtedly strike a chord with listeners and deepen their appreciation for the special bond between mothers and their children.
New Audio | Mama Ni Mama – Hassan Ally ( Mzee Wa Ngenga) | Mp3 Download